Ugh. Can today please be over...well at least Nick be home from work already?! It's raining out...the kids are bugging the crap out of each other, which in turn is DRIVING ME CRAZY...I feel like there is WAY TOO MUCH CRAP IN THIS HOUSE AND IT'S ALL STARTING TO CLOSE IN ON ME...I feel that all I do is clean and pick up NON STOP and it doesn't ever look better.
Besides that things are good...ha ha!
It's all starting to annoy me REALLY, REALLY BADLY!! I'm not the greatest at organizing...and believe me Nick is no help when it comes to that! So things just get put wherever for the most part and then it seems to multiply and I just stare at it and wonder what the heck I'm supposed to do with it!! Every room seems to have some kind of mess that just bugs and bugs me. And I seem to have ADD when it comes to sticking to one thing and finishing it...I start on something and go somewhere else and start on something and so on and nothing ever seems to get completed and what's left is just thrown back in a pile. I just want it all done at once, but that can't happen and I don't realize that.
Ugh. Well, I guess I should get back to working, before the baby wakes up. Ah the fun!
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