Friday, January 25, 2008


So we are going to Vegas soon. Yay! And also feeling not prepared. Not prepared to leave my kids...especially the youngest two. Of course it will be hard leaving the older two, but they have been through it before and pretty much know what to expect. We haven't been back there since before Drake was born, so I know it will be lots of fun...but it will be tough. I'm hoping Drake won't be to bad (like he was when we got home from the hospital)...he's been staying the night at my parents more and we won't be coming home with a new family member ;) B ut the baby...ugh...I don't know how he will be. Nighttime is what I worry about the most. He's used to me putting him to bed and telling him goodnight. Sometimes Nick will go put him to bed and he will cry until I go tell him goodnight. So I don't know. And when he goes to Angela's on wednesday...for two hours, he's somewhat clingy after we get home and wants to be cuddled. He's does great when he's being watched...I just don;t know how he will be, being gone from home five nights and four days. I'm getting so emotional about has been the worst yet! I even strapped Daxton to me in a carrier today...envisioning that I could take him to Vegas like that. Ha ha! I know it will be nice to have a break...together, just me and cleaning, laundry, getting kids ready for bed...and all the other lovely day to day chores. It's a tug of war in my head though. I didn't really plan on going this year, since we just had a new baby, and I had told Nick we would talk about it. Apparently that was all the talking he needed and decided that was a yes. It will be fun...right? Changing the subject...Daxton turned five months on monday! Wish I could push the stop button on my kids for awhile. He rolled over from his back to his tummy the day after. Of course he did it when I walked out of the room...Xavier was in there and yelled at me to come see. Rolled him back on his back and he did it again...of course I had the camera ready and got the shots :) I just got his 4 month pictures mailed out today....yay for me...ha ha! I plan on uploading some pictures later. I hope I can find the time! Fingers crossed that we don't need coats in Vegas!! One more thing...I'm starting to wonder if the kids will even miss me when we go because they keep asking if it's the day they get to go stay at Angela's. Even Drake. Oh well, that's a good sign, right? Right?!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Drake's 3rd Birthday!

Three years old!!

Monday was Drake's birthday. After we picked Xavier up from school, we had to take Xavier and Xandria bowling, when they were done, we headed home for cupcakes and presents! Drake's gifts from us were: Cars sleeping bag (after he was saying "I wish I had a sleeping bag"), Buzz Lightyear gun, power rangers on motorcycles, Cars McQueen remote control car...except it runs with a light... you point the light where you want the car to go, Thomas the Train track, sunglasses (he kept saying he wanted some), couple Cars books, blue McQueen car, and a digital camera. He was SO excited about the camera...he had REALLY been wanting one...he kept saying he wanted it opened and started snapping away! The good thing about his birthday being after Christmas is you can get alot of things cheap...we did at the Disney store! So after cupcakes and presents we headed to Chuck E Cheese. He spent most of the time next to me at Ski Ball. He loves it just as much as I do (so does Toots). That's where you can find the three of us at! drake fell asleep in the car on the way home. He had so much fun and was so excited it was his birthday...I think that's why he kept sticking his tongue out in the pictures :) We're having his birthday party on sunday at the bowling alley since he loves to bowl!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Three Years Old

Three years ago today our Drake Richard aka Gooper, Goo, Bumpy, Drakey Rich, etc was born. Three years. Wow. Time flies. As I've learned having my first baby already be 10 YEARS old!! Trying to hold on to every moment. He's the sweetest little boy you could ever meet. So funny and goofy...he's favorite saying is "You silly goof!" He's also sensitive and when someone has upset him, his bottom lip comes out and he tries to hold back the tears, but they just fall. He's quick to recover and be his happy self though! Anyway...some pictures through his three years. Believe me there is PLENTY in between...but these are the ones I could find the fastest (with a tired baby in my arms). I will post more about his birthday fun and pictures when I get them uploaded. born 1/14/05 @5:19 am after mom was induced due to his size and fluid level. Weighed in at 8lbs 8oz. Lots of dark hair and blue eyes.
Three months old. Still with the dark hair and blue eyes
First birthday...enjoying the frosting, forget the cake! Light hair and blue eyes.
2nd Birthday. Already a whole year ago.
Drake now. This was taken about a month ago...he was counting something. He now has green eyes. Sometimes when he wears blue, they are more blueish. He's our sweetie pie! (you can click on pictures to make them bigger).

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Good Things About Today

Figured I would write down the good things about today, since I had to complain about the bad. Here are the things I can remember...
  • My Aunt Judy being so sweet to leave a bag full of book for Xavier in the car! The boy ALWAYS has a book in his hand or next to him...he sits in the shower with a book! Very thoughtful of her!
  • Xandria and Drake behaving so well at the doctor's!
  • Xavier reading a book to his sister and letting his siblings play with his cherished Legos...though they was some squabbling.
  • Finding Daxton's pacifier when I thought it was lost...of course we only have one that he likes.
  • "I Would Do Anything For Love" by Meatloaf playing in the car on the way to the doctor's. Love that song...and don't get to hear it very often. Thank God for the 90's channel on XM :)
  • Living less than five minutes from the doctor's office, since I was running late.
  • The dog finally arriving home before I had to leave for the doctor's...his collar stopped working.
  • A new collar for the more worries about him running off!
  • My husband being home...after a looong day!

Well. that's all I can think of...gotta go!

I'm Beginning to HATE Thursdays!

This is the second thursday in a row that the baby has been up WAY early!! He was also up about four or five times during the night being fussy. I don't know if it's teething or what...he does drool quite a bit and is always trying to bite on things (hands being his favorite). Last thursday he was like this and I put baby orajel on his gums thursday night and he was fine. I don't know. Other than that...last night Nick decides to put a new door handle on the mud room's one that has a keypad on it so you don't have to use the key (though you still can). He sent me a text this morning with the code, but I didn't have time to memorize it! I go pick up Toots from school...left the door unlocked...or so I thought, until I came back home and find the door LOCKED! Ok, I will just use my key...nope doesn't fit...apparently there is a different key for it. Try what I thought the code was...nope. Tried to unlock the front door...wouldn't work...think the lock is frozen or something. Ok I will just use my phone to call Nick. Umm where IS my phone?! Can't find it...must of left it in house. Drive to pay phone. Tried to call tells me I need to dial 1 and area code first. Ok. Now I can't get a dial tone. Wait. Wait. Finally a dial tone! Call him and find out I was one number off on the code. Ugh. Find out the door locks even though you can still open it from the inside when it is locked. Would of been nice to know!! Get home...can't find phone still. Decide to call it and where do I find it?? Under Drake's seat in the CAR where I put it when I buckled him in. Ugh. Want. To. Go. To. Bed. But instead have to finish getting ready and take Daxton to the doctor for his 4 month check up. I'm so tired...I don't know how long my eyes will stay open, but there is laundry to to to comfort...all that good stuff. So I'm off with my eyes barely open...

Monday, January 7, 2008

The Weather

Thought I'd do a quick post about this freaky weather we are having!! Today it was 60 the middle of January!! Not only that but we had thunderstorms and a tornado warning with a tornado TOUCHDOWN in Poplar Grove!! I just watched the news and it said one two story house was flattened and Edward's Apple Orchard (where we picked apples at this year) is pretty much gone!!! It said touchdowns were by Beaverton Road...which is where Nick's cousin Becky just recently moved from. I can't imagine how scary that would be!!! There will be more info available on the 10 o'clock news. I can't get over how crazy this weather is and it's obviously due to global warming. I enjoy warmer weather...but it is winter and it's supposed to be cold!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Hope it's a good one!