Monday, July 21, 2008

1:49 AM

Can't sleep. Tried for over an hour. Legs aching and can't fall asleep. I wonder if eating two iceys an hour before going to bed and two pieces of bacon half an hour before bed have anything to do with not being able to fall asleep? Maybe. Funny how I normally am disgusted by bacon, but have been craving it all of a sudden.
Morning is going to come fast and I'm not going to be ready for it with no sleep!! I NEED MY SLEEP!! If I didn't have anything to do tomorrow, I could function better with less sleep, but I'm going to get my hair done and after that Xavier has a baseball game. Hopefully, I will survive without wanting to hurt anyone.

Daxton is 11 months old today...well I guess it's now yesterday. That means in exactly one month he will be 1 year old!! Pure craziness! And sadness that it's gone by so dang fast. I wish there was a pause button I could push whenever and just make the moments last longer!!

This month starts the birthday cake bonanza :) My birthday is friday...which BETTER mean cake...August 21 is Daxton birthday which will=cake...September 24 is Xavier's birthday which will=cake...September 28 is Xandria's birthday which will=cake...October 13 is Nick's 30th birthday which will=cake...November ? is new baby's birthday which will JUST have to=cake...a break in December and January 14 is Drake's birthday which will=cake! Gee, can't wait to see how much I gain just from cake alone!! I LOVE cake though...especially the frosting :)

Today was a good day...surprisingly, for a monday. Nick left sunday night around 1am to go to work at theaters in Skokie and didn't get home from working there until 3:30 pm today! He had been up since sunday morning. I thought he was going to come home and go to straight to bed...Lord knows I would have...but he said he would be fine and instead we took the kids to Chuck E Cheese, then we had to run a couple places and grab some things. We didn't get home til around 8:30. We had a nice family day :)

Saturday the older kids stayed at my parents house and we dropped Daxton off with my aunt and uncle. Nick and I went out to dinner at Outback and went to a couple stores then we headed to the Metro Centre to see Poison perform! Nick actually surprised me with the Poison tickets. I had mentioned to him when I first heard that they were coming (quite awhile ago), that I wanted to go, but didn't think he would remember or anything. But he surprised me and when he told me to see if my aunt could watch the baby on the 18th, I had no idea why! I couldn't think of what we would be doing at all...he even said it was something I told him I wanted to do! Finally he had to tell me. It was pretty much packed there...and hot. They are remodeling the Metro, so one whole side of the building was just plywood, not very cooling when it's hot out.
Sebastion Bach was on first. When we got there he was already playing. I told Nick that it was Sebastion Bach and he was like "ok." Well, I didn't know he thought it was Poison up there...until Sebastion was just about over and he was asking the crowd if we were ready for Poison and then Nick says to me "oh I thought that was Poison up there." Ha ha. He's so funny!! Can you tell he's a big fan??
Anyway, Poison came on and it was a good show. Brett Micheals looked pretty good in his tight pants, I have to say...and that's SO not my type! He said there is going to be a season 3 of Rock of Love. Gee...who couldn't of guessed that would happen?? Guess it didn't work between him and Amber.
It was such a nice time it just being Nick and I. It's been awhile. I hope we get a chance to do it again soon! Thanks to my aunt for watching Daxton :) They wore him out...he didn't wake up until noon on sunday!! He was one tired boy!!

Well, I'm off to hopefully get some sleep!! Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

First Pics Taken In Manual!!

I met Heather for a little photo lesson on friday at the Klehm Arboretum. She showed me how to put it in manual and what to do. It was my first time shooting in manual...I usually shoot in AV Mode. I was pretty intimidated, but they didn't turn too bad :) The first one is my favorite. He likes to rub his tongue over his new teeth. You can check out the pictures she took on her blog . Scroll down and you will see him.
I've been practicing a little since then, but not with such good results. I'm going to keep practicing and hopefully I will get it!! I get so frustrating with not knowing how to do it and be able to take the kind of photos I want already!! But she promises I will get it, so that's reassuring! So thankful that she's willing to help me out!!
In other news...I go to the doctor on friday for my SIX MONTH CHECK UP!! Holy cow has it been flying by and lightning speed!!
DAXTON TURNS 11 MONTHS ON MONDAY!! Talk about a shock!! I don't know how that's possible :( I have to start planning his party!! I'm pretty sure we are having it here...which means we don't have much time to get all the things on my list crossed off. I think it would be pretty much impossible!
Gotta run and do something...there's never a time when there isn't something I should be doing! Until next time...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Much Better

Feeling much better now...maybe I need to vent on here more often :) I have gotten quite a bit of things done today and the kids having been behaving...Daxton took two naps, so I was able relax a bit too. Xavier's room is looking great...finally got things put away in there and looking mostly presentable. We just need to move the bed/desk and get that wall painted and finish up the trimming and it will be DONE!! So happy when that happens. After all that he better keep the room picked up!

Pictures from the 4th. I didn't take too many. We decided to ride bikes to the park and have a picnic. Yea. The bike riding part was nice...minus the hills I couldn't quite do, so I walked the bike (Daxton sits in front of me in the kangaroo seat). We got to the park and the mosquitos were BAD!! Even with the damn bug spray they would not leave us alone!!! Daxton was also a total crab butt...very unlike him, but he hadn't napped and was just plain tired! I tried to get some pics of him on his first 4th, but he wasn't into it at all...except when I handed him the flag. He really liked playing with it, until he sat on it and tried to pull it out and it broke. Drake's tummy got upset all of a sudden...I noticed a look on his face, then a smell. Uh oh. He said he needed to get to the bathroom. But he couldn't move. The bathroom...I mean port a potty was down a ways, so Nick got him to walk down there. The underwear had to be tossed...which Drake was upset about. I guess he told Nick that those wear his new underwear and his favorite ones. I thought that was funny, as they were just plain red underwear. After they finally got back...many mosquito bites later, we headed home.

We stayed home and Nick did some of his fireworks and also smoke bombs and those poppers the kids threw on the ground. Nick dropped Xavier off at my parents (he didn't want to go to the fireworks...apparently they give him a headache...uh huh)...and took Drake and Toots to see the fireworks. I stayed home. I was wiped out and Daxton was sleeping. He slept most of the time after we got home from the park and went back to bed early.

One Of Those Days...

Ugh. Can today please be over...well at least Nick be home from work already?! It's raining out...the kids are bugging the crap out of each other, which in turn is DRIVING ME CRAZY...I feel like there is WAY TOO MUCH CRAP IN THIS HOUSE AND IT'S ALL STARTING TO CLOSE IN ON ME...I feel that all I do is clean and pick up NON STOP and it doesn't ever look better.
Besides that things are good...ha ha!

It's all starting to annoy me REALLY, REALLY BADLY!! I'm not the greatest at organizing...and believe me Nick is no help when it comes to that! So things just get put wherever for the most part and then it seems to multiply and I just stare at it and wonder what the heck I'm supposed to do with it!! Every room seems to have some kind of mess that just bugs and bugs me. And I seem to have ADD when it comes to sticking to one thing and finishing it...I start on something and go somewhere else and start on something and so on and nothing ever seems to get completed and what's left is just thrown back in a pile. I just want it all done at once, but that can't happen and I don't realize that.

Ugh. Well, I guess I should get back to working, before the baby wakes up. Ah the fun!

Monday, July 7, 2008


HAND!! HA HA!! This baby was TOUGH came to finding out the sex!! To say the least! The baby had it's legs closed and wouldn't budge them. The tech kept trying to get the baby to move by pressing on my belly...the baby would move, but keep it's legs closed...and then the baby decided to put it's hand between its legs, making it even harder to tell. Nice. Stubborn little baby!!

But after minutes of pressing and pushing and hoping and waiting...the tech says "I think I got a quick shot" and sure enough she did. And this is what she showed us...

I was right :) And Toots is BEYOND EXCITED!!

Ultrasound Photos of Baby No. 5

Finally got the photos scanned in! The first one is a the hand resting on the baby. Looks like baby just finished eating :) The tech did a great job of labeling things...I know it's hard for others to figure out sometimes. The baby's weight was 11 ounces. They don't measure head to feet, but the baby's estimated length at this age was 10 inches. Wow! Everything with baby looked great (Thank God!!) and is on track :) I couldn't of been more relieved to hear that. Baby's heartrate was 147 I think.

This shot the baby is peeking in and sideways.
Look at those teeny tiny feet and toes!