wide awake with her blue eyes. one week new.
Tuesday Ziana turned one week old. She is such a sweetie little girlie. Here are some things about her now that she's one week old.
- When we came home from the hospital she just started drinking 2oz, now she drinks 4oz!
- She doesn't fit in newborn diapers anymore...size 1
- She doesn't fit in mostly all her newborn sized clothes...good thing I didn't buy too many, and the ones I did I got for cheap.
- She loves to be warm and wrapped up in the bigger blankets, cries when she's cold.
- At night she normally goes back to sleep after her feeding...sometimes fusses a bit. Most of the nights she has gone 4 hours between feedings. 3 hours during the day.
- When she wants to eat, she wants it NOW!
- Her cord fell off yesterday, I don't think it was quite ready to as it's scabbed back over.
- Her skin is starting to crack, especially around her ankle area.
- I noticed that she has a large "stork bite" on the back, middle part of her head under her hair. '
- She loves her pacifier...and sucking on her hands.
- She gets the hiccups quite abit, sometimes before she even eats.
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