Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sick, Doctor Follow-Up and The Weekend

Well...me and Nick officially have colds. Ugh. Yesterday my throat was K I L L I N G me and I just could not force myself to do much. Needless to say it was Pajama Day! Good thing was Xavier didn't have school, so I didn't even have to run to pickhim up. Throat has been alot better today, but now I have a crappy stuffy nose. Ugh. Sooooo tired of colds and coughs and aches and all that other stuff!! Nick woke up today with a sore throat and isn't feeling too hot since he got home from work. Took Xandria and Drake back to Doctor today for the follow up. Drake didn't cry once. I did mention to him before we went that we were going to the doctor and he said "no, I don't like doctor." But it was no problem. He even stood on the scale this time and was 36.5 pounds. Xandria was 56 pounds. Doctor looked at Drake first and said his throat has cleared right up and the only thing he has is a stuffy nose (wonder where he got that from?). So that was good news! Doctor looked at Xandria's ear and said the eardrum is still pretty red and that he wasn't expecting that since she's been on the meds for ten days. Also, she can't really hear out of that ear still, so he's sending her to a Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor. We'll see how that goes... In other news, we had a nice Easter weekend. Took the kids to have Spring pictures taken and to see the Easter Bunny on friday. Was at the mall for 3 HOURS to just do those TWO things!! Wasn't too happy about that. Then we went to my parents so the kids could dye eggs with my two nieces. That was fun. Saturday we went to Gurnee to do a lil shopping and go to Archivers (yay!). Sunday we went to my parents for turkey and all the fixins. Good good!! The kids did some egg hunting and then we went to see "Meet the Robinsons." I really liked the movie and I am not a kid movie liking person usually. We also took my niece Chelsey with us. Drake came along too. It was his first time going to see a movie. Wasn't too sure how he would do because he's not much into t.v. and many movies, but he did great. He sat there the whole time with his sprite and popcorn. It was funny...at the beginning of the movie they have a Mickey Mouse cartoon and he was yelling out "Mickey Mouse, Mickey Mouse!" He only did that a couple times though. I will try to post pics later (it won't let me now) and post about our ultrasound also!

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