Tuesday, January 6, 2009


It's been just a little busy around here. It's a relief that the holidays are over and the kids are now back in school. Now I can get some things done. Like organizing (somewhat) and laundry. The past 3 days have basically been laundry, cleaning, picking up, laundry, laundry, organizing.
Today I worked on Toots' room while she was at school. It was in need of organizing after Christmas! And Drake's room...one word...WOW!!! It's craziness in there! I took some pictures of it that I need to post! I don't even know how to begin to organize his room! He recieved alot of Legos for Christmas and he doesn't really have a space to put them. I'm trying to figure out something.
Ziana is 8 weeks old today. She's been sleeping on me most of the night tonight. She has the sniffles and a little cough. It's nice having her lay on me and hearing her breathing :)
She's been smiling quite a bit and I swear she giggles. A few days ago she was smiling and I decided to tickle her under her chin and she started making giggling sounds. Today she did it also, even more than last time :) Friday night was the first night she slept 8 hours straight. That was a good thing, especially since Nick was gone that night working at the theaters. She ate at midnight, then didn't get up until 8am. That was nice! I got her announcements, so they will be in the mail!
Nick has been busy, busy with work also. He got that screen door finished and now needs to go to my grandma's and get the things done for her. He also has to get the apartments ready for inspection by friday...plus his regular work...which includes making cabinets for the job, and on and on.
Drake's birthday is next wednesday and I'm so not ready for it!! We haven't even booked his party yet. I have to find out where he wants his party at for sure...he's gone back and forth between bowling and skating. Though what he's looking forward to most is eating cake. That's my boy!! He's really not all that into the cake...mainly the frosting :)
Well, that's all for now...need to get to bed!

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